The hot servant strategy has the potential to lead to an unequal distribution of HTTP sessions among the servant regions. 热服务策略具有在服务区域之间不均衡地分配HTTP会话的可能。
"The red lead ( with the in-line fuse) of the supplied power cord is to be a" hot"( positive) wire, and the black lead to ground. " 电源线中的红色导线(有保险丝)是“火线”(正极),黑色导线是接地线
Sleep, if the cover is not as warm or hot and kicked the quilt, often lead to the rapid decline in body temperature, lower resistance, the body of viruses, bacteria will multiply, people sick. 睡眠时,若盖被不够保暖或由于闷热而踢开被子,往往会导致人体体温急速下降,抵抗力减弱,体内各种病毒、细菌便会大量繁殖,使人患病。
Tin spray applied to circuit boards, hot air leveling and wave soldering, welding and hot dip tin lead anyone. 适用于电路板喷锡,热风整平,波峰焊、热浸焊和引线搪锡。
Remove the injector sensor wire and the glow plug hot lead. Handbags with detachable straps can double as clutches for the evening. 拆卸喷射器感知器电线和预热塞出口线。提带可拆卸的手包也能为你的晚间活动添彩。
Hot water can dissolve tiny amounts of lead from your plumbing system. 热水会分解管道系统中的微量铅。
Remove the injector sensor wire and the glow plug hot lead. 除气加热器除氧加热器拆卸喷射器感知器电线和预热塞出口线。
I told you we need to fill the cave with hot molten lead. 我说了你们应该用热熔的铅填充洞穴。
According to McLuhan, hot media lead to social fragmentation: when reading a book, you are alone and in a focused state of mind. 根据麦克卢汉,热媒介导致社会分崩离析:当你读一本书的时候,你是一个人处在一种聚精会神的状态下。
The plate lugs should be dry before they are immersed in hot liquid lead of the cast-on machine. 在极耳被浸渍到铸焊机的热铅液中之前,极耳应是干燥的。
The Vulcan humvee will fire in deadly bursts of hot lead, sure to blow any aircraft out of the sky. 令火神悍马发射致命的连射热铅弹(火海),并且撕碎任何侵入领空的飞机。
Obviously, running too hot can lead to degradation. 显然,机器运转过热会导致降解。
In the absence of deep markets, inflows of hot money can lead to the creation of asset bubbles. 如果市场容量不大,热钱流入可能会催生资产泡沫。
I think I've got a really hot lead, bernard. 我想我有个非常靓的领路人,贝纳德。
At the same time of leaching the rare earth using hot hydrochloric acid, the lead is transformed into PbCl 2 and comes into the solution. 用热的盐酸溶液浸取稀土的同时,铅也转化为PbCl2进入溶液。
Because of various shortcomings of liquid electrolyte of sulfuric acid, the gelled electrolyte employed was becoming hot focus of research for lead acid battery. 由于硫酸电解液的种种缺点,采用凝胶电解质(GelledElectrolyte,简称GE)成为研究的热点。
The trapped charges and generated interface states caused by hot carrier effect lead to curve distortion of C-V characteristics, flatband voltage shift and SiO2 leakage current shift with time under constant voltage. 指出热载流子效应引起载流子陷落和界面态的产生,导致C&V特性曲线畸变、平带电压漂移和恒定电压下SiO2漏电流随时间漂移。
CONCLUSION: Long time perfusion with hot water may lead to atrophy of gastric mucosa and increase expression of HSP-70 and Fas proteins. 结论:热水长期灌胃可导致胃黏膜萎缩,黏膜组织细胞的HSP及Fas表达增加。
The results of computation indicates that great subduction angle and existence of roll-back subduction are favorite conditions for inducing upwelling of mantle flows in back-arc region, and upwelling of hot mantle materials may lead to back-arc opening. 计算表明,俯冲角度大及存在后撤俯冲时,有利于在弧后地区产生明显的上涌地幔流,这种深部热物质的上涌会导致弧后扩张。
The study showed that the moving granular bed filter can removing particulate from hot gas continuously, and can lead to high efficiency after optimized. 证明了无筛移动颗粒层过滤过程进行高温连续除尘不仅是可行的,而且经过一定的优化后可达到较高的除尘效率。
The premature corrosion and cracking failure of hot dip galvanizing pot lead to the increased galvanizing cost and large production loss. 镀锌锅的过早腐蚀和失效开裂,导致镀锌成本的上升和生产的极大损失。
Effect of Cerium on Sn Hot Dipping of Electronic Component Lead 铈对引线热浸镀锡的影响
The results showed that the effects of different stearates on improving the discolouration of chlorinated rubber from latex in hot air aging were as follows: lead stearate> calcium stearate> barium stearate> cadmium stearate> zinc stearate; 结果表明,硬脂酸盐改善CNRA热空气老化变色性能的优劣顺序为:硬脂酸铅、硬脂酸钙、硬脂酸钡、硬脂酸镉、硬脂酸锌;
This thesis studies the effect of wide& high ratio, bump ratio and reduction ratio on the skew ratio in plain roller rolling square bar through simulated hot rolling steel by steel roller rolling lead. 通过钢辊轧制铅件模拟热轧钢件,研究了平辊轧制矩形件过程,轧件的宽高比、鼓形比和压下率三个参数对脱方的影响。
Application of hot gas for lighting-up furnace in lead sintering machine 热煤气在铅烧结机点火炉上的应用
The heat efficiency of high efficiency gear reducer is low when it works under hot balance temperature, which will lead to great energy waste. 对于大功率齿轮减速器,在热平衡温度下工作时的热功率很低,造成能源的极大浪费。
This kind of periodic hot and cold alternation and deformed tension lead to mechanical fatigue and cause tiny crack on the surface of roll shell. 这种周而复始的冷热交替以及在变形应力作用下,引起辊套表面机械疲劳而导致微裂纹产生。
It can be seen that the failure of blades were main flank wear, Rake face wear were main crater wear. The spread of crater and hot cracking lead to chipping blade. 最后,考察3种刀片的铣削性能,可以看到刀片的失效形式以后刀面磨损为主,前刀面磨损主要是月牙洼磨损,月牙洼的扩展和热裂纹的影响,最终导致刀片崩刃。
Substation is the key to the power grid node, and gathers a large number of electrical equipment. Most of the electrical equipment fault can induce hot phenomenon, in some severe cases can lead to electric power equipment damage, so as to bring about power outage. 变电站是电力系统的关键节点,聚集了大量电气设备,大部分电气设备在故障时会产生发热现象,在严重情况下会导致电力设备损坏,从而导致停电事故的发生。
However, when using low temperature air supply system, there may be appear the "cold air" falling or "hot air" floating that will lead to the problem air can not be fully mixed with the air in work area. 但是采用低温送风系统时,室内易出现冷风下坠或热风上浮而不能与工作区空气充分混合的问题,对人体热舒适感觉极为不利。